The Benefits of Rapport And Your NLP Training

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The Benefits of Rapport.

Note: We highlight the benefits of rapport here, but there are hundreds of techniques and benefits that we include in our NLP Training Online.

Todd Newton says: Your training is ideal not only for people who want to become a coach but for people who want to be on the top of the mountain in whatever field they are in.

Even if you are a salesman, if you are a car salesman and somebody walks in, you know exactly what kind of transaction this is going to be. One of the things I loved most about my training with you was the importance of right out of the gate, establishing the benefits of rapport. And so many people don’t understand how vital rapport is in every aspect of your life.

Kids And Benefits of Rapport

They had parent-teacher conferences at my kid’s school, and I got to meet both of my children’s teachers. And the rapport skills that I learned from you was so important. Because in that first meeting with my son’s teacher and my daughter’s teacher, it allowed us to have this exchange of pleasantries. And we really got to the meat of why this conference was happening so we could communicate openly. 

I could really become involved in my children’s education and learn what goes on in the classroom and the stuff we never get to see. And I could just see the teachers relaxing and opening up more then they would typically do with any other parent because of the skills I learned from you.

Rapport – Romantic Interest

It’s establishing and creating this rapport with your clients no matter what you do for a living, establishing and creating rapport with family members over the holidays. You know we all seen the family members we only see once or twice a year.

Establishing rapport with romantic interests, with new neighbors when you move into a new neighborhood. The skills you learn in this training and the benefits of rapport in every area of your life is outstanding.

Rapport As A Coach

My goal is always and has always been to be the best coach I can possibly be. I don’t need to be the most famous coach in the world; I don’t need to sell out Madison Square Garden with a personal development seminar. Though I would love to do that because that’s a great sign that people are receiving my messages and my coaching is effective.

I just want to be the best of that person I’m on the phone with right then, or I want to be the best speaker that I can be for those people who are giving me 50 minutes or an hour of their attention. That’s my goal, that’s why I wanted this training.

Ex Relationships And Rapport

NLP is great for me as an individual. I’m a father before any of this. It has helped me in my relationships. I’m a divorced man, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t notice the benefits of rapport with my ex-wife.

My NLP Training has enabled me to create an excellent rapport between myself and my ex-wife, who is just a dream and a dear friend. There is no woman I would rather have as the mother of my children, but listen NLP is an excellent bullet in the gun when it comes to that communication.

Since I’ve been training in NLP, I’m sure she would have seen the difference in me. In my communication skills and patience and overall personality and demeanor. It just makes me feel so happy, makes me feel so confident, and hopefully benefits everyone I come into contact with.

What Matters

What matters to me is gaining the knowledge and learning from people like you and like Bob. I wanted to learn because I don’t want to be a coach or an NLP Practitioner or Hypnotherapist just on paper, that’s meaningless. That doesn’t benefit me, it doesn’t benefit anyone. I just want to be the very best I can be for my clients, and I want to know as much as I can possibly know.

When people come to me with an issue I want to be trained and schooled and able to assist them. Looking at things from a different angle to opening you up to a new way of thinking, to help you to ask yourself the questions that will give you the answers to get you where you want to be. That’s what training, learning, and growing are all about. It’s not about the certifications to me, and it’s about knowing what I need to know to help people who want my help.

Training At Your Own Pace

Cause I’m such a fan of your style of training, and the big selling factor for me is that I could train anywhere in the world that I was on my schedule. I never felt rushed. It’s the kind of thing I could have completed a lot sooner, but I took my time and wanted to absorb everything. My training took, if I remember correctly, I think it took almost a full year just because of the way I chose to pace it out.

There was no question that I had for you that was too basic or too simple. This is something that you obviously have been doing for years and years, and it is such a part of you.

Personal Support Included

When it’s an online training when you have someone who will sit there on the phone with you and literally walk you through it is invaluable. I think a lot of people when they think of online training they think I’m going to read this, read this, read this and take a little quiz, read this, read this, read this and take a little quiz. That’s not what we are doing here. The work that is required of you to gain this training and it’s not the kind of thing that you can read on an airplane flight and when you step off the plane be ready to get your certification.

Intense – Detailed – In-Depth Training

That’s not what this is. This is an intense, detailed, in-depth training of Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP took a long time to develop, and it requires a lot of focus and concentration and research to learn. Any other NLP Training that I’ve been exposed to made it all the more powerful. I became all the more appreciative of the course that you guys have designed because I realized how on track it was and I was so grateful that I took all the time I did to learn every morsel that I did, to devour every single word literally.

Training That Belongs To You

I encourage everyone who signs up to this training now or next week or next month to really absorb it and to own it. And to realize what great value you are getting from this training that now belongs to you and will belong to you forever.

It’s not just the modules and not only the readings and the manuals of these experts who are just on par with the people who created NLP in the first place. You’re pretty incredible, it’s really spectacular.

I want everyone that’s listening when it comes to the trainings you really don’t get any better than what you can get right here. It’s really fantastic!

Ronda Degaust says: Well, thank you so much for saying that. It was really a great testament to our training. As you know, from taking the training, we didn’t just throw it together in a few months.

Todd Newton says: no.

Ronda Degaust says: It was a very long thought out process. And being the analytical person that I am, I couldn’t just throw something together. It wouldn’t fit with my values system.

Todd Newton says: Right! If you are seeking training, this is where, after much research, I chose to get my training, and I have never looked back and never regretted it. Again, I have been exposed to other trainers, and if I had to do it all over again, I would be right back here with you guys for sure.

1 thought on “The Benefits of Rapport And Your NLP Training”

  1. Hi Arash,
    The NLP Training Online course at is designed to take at your own pace. The course is a full NLP Practitioner Certification and Coaching Program of 120 hours. It includes 10 modules with approximately 12 hours commitment to each module making up the 120 hours. You can choose payment plan or pay in full depending on how you want to pace out your training. Once you become certified as a NLP Practitioner through our institute you can then continue to take Master Practitioner. We do not have the master level online at this time.
    Feel free to contact us directly through our website contact form at for any questions you may have.

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