How You Will Benefit By Choosing The Right NLP Training Course For You
The Questions You Must Ask To Make Sure You Get The Right NLP Training Course For you
The Questions You Must Ask (text from video)
Straight Talk About NLP Training
Why must you know the answer to these important questions first? To quote Albert Einstein, “Having only an hour to solve a problem that my life depended on, I would devote the first 55 minutes to finding the right question to ask. Having the right question, I could solve the problem in 5 minutes”. Consider the consequences of not asking such questions as:
Here’s what one of our students said about taking our training
Always Go To An Expert
This goes without saying, but I will add that although two people can have the same NLP training background, one may be an expert, and one may not.
Some people have more aptitude for training you in NLP than others. A good NLP trainer can put the information into your learning system, so you will “get it.” Good NLP trainers see questions as involvement in a training. And the more involvement, the better the training.
When taking my training, I saw many people too afraid to ask questions; intimidated by a classroom full of people. They would rather waste their hard-earned money than risk standing by asking a question.
As you can see, another good reason to ask the right questions before you commit to a specific NLP training.
What They Don’t Tell You About Live NLP Training
What is your number one problem with live training that no one tells you about?
And no, it’s not due to your age. It’s just something that happens to some degree when you take live training of any type, not just NLP training.
Now, I could give you some phony statistics about live NLP Trainings that have been floating around for years and proven to be totally inaccurate, such as people only remember:
- 10% of what they read
- 20% of what they see
- 30% of what they hear
But the power of video is indisputable. We may not be able to always put exact numbers on it.
But even if the numbers are accurate, it’s a fact that you will need to remember some key elements of the live training that you paid dearly for.
No problem, the trainer might say, you can always review the training at half price.
I don’t know about you, but I hate paying for a refill of my coffee. So, paying half price plus all the expenses to retake my NLP training is not going to happen.
If you want to get the best training, ask yourself the right questions. And then, ask the potential trainers the important questions you have. Don’t throw away your money and hopes for the future.
As promised, I will tell you how to determine if you are getting a full NLP Practitioner Certification program.
Questions you must ask the NLP Training Institute
It is important to know the right questions to ask…but it is just as important to know if the information you receive matches what you are looking for.
We will go over the questions to ask and how you will know if the answers match what you are looking for
No worries…all the questions we go over are in the downloadable PDF document we provided for you below this video
1. How can you tell if the training meets Global Standards…..
Global Standards are (120-hour training where you are trained by a certified NLP Trainer or a
Master Practitioner supervised by a certified NLP Trainer)
What makes up the Global Standards
….here is how we break down our training. Our NLP Training Online is 85 presentations, 45 live demonstrations, 70 plus exercises, a written review and 20 case studies.
We don’t have a test with our program….we have a review of the information with questions to answer as you go through the training and 20 case studies to note your experience as you do the exercises. You can’t fail your experience, but you cannot fake going through our program either ….We go through every review and case study to make sure OUR Students….have a full understanding of the NLP Practitioner training to be certified,…. and meet the requirements set out by boards and associations throughout the world to meet these Global Standards.
Why do we go to great lengths to ensure our students get the best NLP Practitioner Certification information?
Well, the answer will be understood in the next question…
(If the NLP training you are taking isn’t a full NLP Practitioner Certification meeting Global Standards and you sign-up for a Master Practitioner Certification, you will not be prepared for the advanced information and will waste your investment because you won’t have the foundational information needed for Master Practitioner Certification.)
(If you are told you can speak to the trainer, ask to speak to the trainer, if the trainer is not available, ask for him/her to give you a call back…if the trainer offering the training doesn’t call back, you have your true answer)
(Remember, if you cannot speak to the trainer from question 3…you already have your answer. Getting answers to your questions is imperative to practicing NLP confidently as a coach, therapist or business person.)
(When using NLP in the real world, things are different, and you will have questions and need guidance on what to do in certain situations. Lack of support is the major cause behind people not being successful using NLP because it leads to a lack of confidence.)
For instance…in our NLP Practitioner Training Online, we provide a 24/7 Guardian Angel form for our students to post their questions….during the training and after certification.
(Not all NLP Training provides the tools to start working with clients or the coaching process to build confidence when coaching others)
(Are these testimonials saying specific things about the training you can relate to, and can you contact them to ask questions? Is there a website address to connect with some of the students?)
Just like a 7-day live training will leave you forgetting more than you remember, so will any training that does not give you lifetime access to review at any time. Do you lose your training after a period of time. Meaning, does it expire?
Does the training have real-world experience using the NLP Techniques and processes they teach you? If the trainer doesn’t practice NLP…are they the trainer for you?
If your lifestyle does not allow you to easily spend a large amount of cash, does the trainer have a payment plan that suits your needs? Note: If you are unsure about getting your money back if the training is not for you, a payment plan is a safe way to try the training with minimal loss or risk.
If there is one thing NLP states clearly is that people understand the meaning of communication differently. So, are the Terms and Conditions of the money-back guarantee written out clearly on the website? Make sure you understand them without a doubt. Usually, they are found in the website’s footer at the bottom of the page.
Because I worked for the Federal Government for several years in their IT department dealing with people’s full life history and income, I learned a thing or two about security and the internet…believe me, the FEDS are big on security.
I want to emphasize this because so many companies are taking your credit card online and not providing a secure shopping cart to protect your information. Yes, it is cheaper for them to provide a form to fill in your information…but if it is not secure, the internet robot can grab your information.
PayPal has its own secure system, so if a company is using PayPal, that’s safe….but
here are some of the ways you can tell if a company has a secure shopping cart, as we do.
At the website’s footer, you should be able to go to a page regarding their secure shopping.
It would be bad enough to lose your investment by choosing the wrong NLP Training Online, but losing your credit card information could run charges up on your account you didn’t make and be part of identity theft.
Besides looking for this information on the website….we want you to know what to look for once you enter the shopping cart ….meaning once you are on the Buy Now button or in the shopping cart.
Within the shopping cart, you will be entering your Name, billing address and credit card number (some companies allow you to use PayPal as well….I know we do)…
Here are the things to look for in the shopping cart to ensure it’s not just a form but truly a secure shopping cart.
At the top of your browser no matter which browser you are using to access the internet, you will see the website address at the top of the shopping cart. We used our shopping cart as an example … are looking for the HTTPS….at the beginning of the website address…known as the U R L….which in simple words, is the website address.
….make sure the HTTPS is within this website address
Https the “S” is for security, and it is how you can tell if the shopping cart is secure
also…. within the shopping cart (usually at the bottom of the order form), it will have a symbol of what company the shopping cart is being powered by.
Make sure the symbol and the website address match
As they say….information is power….your power is in knowing the questions to ask yourself, the NLP Training Institute…..and what to look for when buying training or any product online
If taking a live NLP training…there is no money-back guarantee on the travel, accommodations, or food you have to pay….and some institutes do not offer you a money-back guarantee on any part of the training once the training starts.
Now that you know the questions to ask and what to look for when choosing your NLP Training…..we want to give you a complete overview of what is included in our training in the next video…..
Once you review what is included in our training….we offer you a very special bonus to take a look inside our training. If what we offer matches your values….this is what you are looking for in your NLP Training….we will be happy to have you join us…if it does not match….you now have all the questions you must ask to choose the Best NLP Training for YOU!